Thursday, May 8, 2008

Final Project

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Song for Final Project

In fields where nothing grew but weeds,
I found a flower at my feet,
Bending there in my direction,
I wrapped a hand around its stem,
I pulled until the roots gave in,
Finding now what I’ve been missing,
But I know…
So I tell myself, I tell myself it’s wrong.

There’s a point we pass from which we can’t return.
I felt the cold rain of the coming storm.
All because of you,
I haven’t slept in so long.
When I do I dream of drowning in the ocean,
Longing for the shore where I can let my head down,
I’ll follow your voice,
All you have to do is shout it out.

Inside my hands these petals brown,
Dried up, falling to the ground
But it was already too late now.
I push my fingers through the earth,
Return this flower to the dirt,
So it can live.
I walked away now.
But I know…
Not a day goes by that I don’t feel its burn.

There’s a point we pass from which we can’t return.
I felt the cold rain of the coming storm.
All because of you,
I haven’t slept in so long,
When I do I dream of drowning in the ocean,
Longing for the shore where I can let my head down,
I’ll follow your voice,
All you have to do is shout it out.

All because of you…
All because of you…

All because of you,
I haven’t slept in so long.
When I do I dream of drowning in the ocean,
Longing for the shore where I can let my head down,
Inside these arms of yours.

All because of you,
I believe in angels.
Not the kind with wings,
No, not the kind with halos,
The kind that bring you home,
When home becomes a strange place.
I’ll follow your voice,
All you have to do is shout it out.

rise against "the good left undone"

Monday, March 31, 2008

Project 2: Self-Portrait Triptych

My overall theme for the self-portrait is autumn as it is my favorite season. For the first part of the triptych I wanted to show the sillier side of me. I love Batgirl and dressing up as Batgirl, so I decided to make a Batgirl army. Then for the center I wanted to portray the everyday me. For the third section I only used the outline of me as if I'm invisible; since I'm usually quiet and whatnot people often forget about me so I get to be invisible.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Illustrator Bird

So this is my bird using the pen tool. Not fun to do...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Illustrator Warning Label

So we were supposed to make some sort of warning label for ourselves, and since I am quite tired and do not enjoy going to class before like 12:30, I thought of this.

Illustrator Pictogram

This is our first little project using Illustrator. We were supposed to make a pictogram representing a profession other then artist, so I tried to make a chef.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Dia: Beacon

(if you search richard serra on google images, you can find many different images of his sculptures)

Richard Serra grew up in San Francisco working in steel mills. After studying in California, Yale University, and Paris, in the 1960s, he started working artistically with the steel and lead he had grown up working with. Many of his pieces were more about the process of creating it rather than the finished product. Considered a Minimalist, Serra’s works are extremely large, relatively simple metal objects. One of the pieces of his at the Dia, Torqued Ellipses, took four years in the late nineties to create. These ellipses are huge spirals that one can walk in. They curve in and out and are open in the center. When you walk inside of one it seems even bigger then when you looked at it from the outside. I love the immensity of Serra’s works and how they sort of engulf you as you enter. At times it feels as if the steel is closing in on you, but then you get to the center, which seems larger then possible.